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, Note 2. The concept of what 'prison life' encompasses in terms of social and societal justification will be explored in our literature review

, In France, see, for example, Guy Casadamont's pilot programs in Paris Ouest-Nanterre la Défense. Note 4. For more information

, The students' physical safety is ensured by the emergency button that the prison visitor can press in the unlikely event of a physical aggression during the workshop session

, Apparatus" is Foucault's concept. This will be elaborated upon in our literature review

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L. Caisne, This corresponds to Adler's theory about great works of literature: If there is philosophical wisdom as well as scientific knowledge, if the former consists of insights and ideas that change little over time, and if even the latter has many abiding concepts and a relatively constant method, if the great works of literature as well as of philosophy touch upon the permanent moral problems of mankind and express the universal convictions of men involved in moral conflict-if these things are so, then the great books of ancient and medieval, as well as modern times are a repository of knowledge and wisdom, a tradition of culture which must initiate each new generation. The reading of these books is not for antiquarian purposes; the interest is not archaeological or philological, p.63, 2000.

, The English translation for the concept of "dispositif" is "apparatus". We will use this translation henceforth. Note 11. E.g.: Othello, Romeo killing Juliet's cousin, Richard III. Richard III is deformed and if he hadn't been, maybe he would have been a nice character. The way you turn out is partly a matter of circumstances over which you have no control