, Mot: A baby, really? Aawww (hugs Ch2) Ch2: I want to stay all my life like a baby (hugs Mo and kisses Ch4) Ch3:Mummy, I long to be a baby Mot: What about you, Owen, what do you long to be? Ch3: I'd like to long to be a baby with you (hugs Mo) Mot: You'd like to be long like a baby? Ch2: I long to be long to be (takes book) I long to be Mot: Do you know what it means "I long to be"? It means I really really want to be Ch3: Long Mot: What would you really really like to be? Ch3: er I'd like to be lon long Ch2: I would love Mot: What, like Dumpling? Ch3: yeah Ch2: I would love to ******* and to have make up on. I would love I would love I would long to be I, children's reuse of formulaic phrases encountered in storybook reading: the effect of rich definition, parental reuse, and parent-initiated reuse Catrin BELLAY University of Nantes Ch3: I long to be a baby like you Ch2: Oh how I long to be **** Mot: What? You long to be a what? A boy? Ch2: No! How I long to to be Mickey

. Ch3, What do you want to be? Mot: I long to be a bird

, Ch3: I long to be a baby like you. Ch2: I long to be a baby

, It will make you very long. Abra-cat-abra! I will change you. Help! Help! Come back cat! 14 4 5 Ch3: She's like Stumpy. The one in Stumpy. Always playing silly games

, Ch3: Ask a silly question. Ch2: Of course. It's the day after yesterday and the day before tomorrow

, Mot: I can do it. It's easy as winking! Ch2: Easy as winking

, Ch3: Mummy, it's the day after yesterday and the day after tomorrow. Mot: Yes. It's the day after yesterday and the day before tomorrow. Ch3: Just like in the book. The day after yesterday and the day after

, Ch2: It's the day before tomorrow. (sings) day after, day before

, Ch3: How a little girl you are getting

, Ch2: Gappy girl! How gappy I'm getting, Mummy! [TP2] Mot: Yes, you are. Ch2: I'm getting gappier! 46 12 Ch3: How big you getting

, Mot: I've always got washing to do. It's never ending. It's never ending, Ch2: You've got some washing to do

, Editions du CRINI © e-crini, 2013.

B. Clark, V. Eve, D. W. Andrew, and . Wong, Pragmatic directions about language use: offers of words and relations, Language in Society, vol.31, pp.181-212, 2002.

M. F. Collins, ELL preschoolers' English vocabulary acquisition from storybook reading, Early Childhood Research Quarterly, vol.25, pp.84-97, 2010.

A. De-houwer, Bilingual First Language Acquisition. Bristol: Multilingual Matters, 2009.

F. Grosjean, Bilingual: Life and Reality, 2010.

F. Grosjean, Studying Bilinguals, 2008.

E. Lanza, Input parental et différentiation linguistique chez une bilingue de deux ans: interactions dyadiques et triadiques. Acquisition et Interaction en Langue Etrangère, vol.6, pp.11-37, 1995.

V. A. Marchman, A. Fernald, and N. Hurtado, How vocabulary size in two languages relates to efficiency in spoken word recognition by young Spanish-English bilinguals, Journal of Child Language, vol.37, pp.817-840, 2010.

K. Nelson, Narratives from the crib, 2006.

E. Reese and A. Cox, Quality of adult book reading affects children's emergent literacy, Developmental Psychology, vol.35, issue.1, pp.20-28, 1999.

, Editions du CRINI © e-crini, 2013.

C. E. Snow, Bilingual children's reuse of formulaic phrases encountered in storybook reading: the effect of rich definition, parental reuse, and parent-initiated reuse Catrin BELLAY University of Nantes Weizman, Zehara Oz, Developmental Psychology, vol.37, issue.2, pp.265-279, 2001.

A. Wray and F. Language, Biographical information, 2008.

, She spent her Erasmus year at the François Rabelais University in Tours, France. Upon completion of her BA, she passed a Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages certificate (Cert. TESOL) at Cardiff University. She completed her Maîtrise and Master 2 in English linguistics at Nantes University, both times specialising in child bilingualism. She is currently preparing her doctoral thesis at the same university on the subject of Musical, Audio-visual, Poetic, and Narrative Input in Bilingual First Language Acquisition : a Case Study. She has a wide range of professional teaching experience: in a bilingual nursery and primary school

, Angleterre, et elle a passé son année Erasmus à l'Université François Rabelais, Tours. Après la licence, elle a été diplomée en tant qu'enseignante de l'anglais langue étrangère à l

, avec des mémoires de recherche sur le bilinguisme chez l'enfant. Elle prépare actuellement sa thèse de doctorat, également à l'Université de Nantes, qui porte sur le rôle des contes, comptines, chansons et de la télévision pour enfants dans l'acquisition bilingue : une étude de cas. Son expérience professionnel d'enseignement est très varié : en école bilingue maternelle et primaire, en centres de formation linguistique, vol.4, 2013.

, Editions du CRINI © e-crini, 2013.